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The quarry offers a unique situation, where waste heat and CO2 can be utilised by the greenhouses. We will do this through a collaboration with the Indaver Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF),which is currently under construction.

The Rivenhall Greenhouse will provide 420 full-time jobs and 80 part time jobs, along with injecting circa £300 million into the Braintree economy from full-time salaries in the first 20 years of operation. With this, the construction phase will inject circa £4.14 million into the local hospitality sector.

Once operational the greenhouse will provide an annual injection of circa £600,000 into local agriculture supply businesses, whilst producing 28,194 tonnes of tomatoes per year. This would offset 7.1% of UK tomato imports from Southern Spain, Morocco and Holland.

The greenhouse delivers an operational blueprint for Essex County Council and Braintree District Council’s respective climate change strategies.

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For any further information or to discuss a
development in more detail, get in touch:

Rivenhall Greenhouse

The project

At our core we recognise that businesses can be part of the solution to climate change. We are dedicated to helping businesses grow and have a positive impact on society and our planet.

© 2023 Rivenhall Greenhouse, all rights reserved. Website design and build by Bright Collie